It is prayer,
her sharing and
my listening with interest
to the details
of her story—noticing her love
of the memory of the taste and feel
and look of a thing.
It is blessing,
her offering and
my attending in affection
and easy delight as I follow
the weavings and wanderings
of life through her eyes.
It is joy,
her gift of herself and
my receiving of her
in the beauty of her trust
and her growing freedom
to know herself loved.
I have been a recipient of this lovely gift of listening you have. Thank you, dear one, for those hours of journey-traveling with my heart and always, always pointing me toward the Beloved One. Reading this poem put me right back to those precious hours with you…processing, crying healing, laughing. I am grateful…for the Truth you spoke…and your gentle care of my wounded heart.
Joy, I am deeply touched by your loving comments. Thank you. What a treasure you are. I will be forever grateful for those sacred hours we shared.